Saturday, March 14, 2015

Cooking with TPACK

For my Technology in the Classroom class, we were given an assignment to cook with TPACK (not to be confused with Tupac ).  Anyways, we had a friend pick a bowl, a plate and a utensil from the kitchen and then draw a number out of a hat to tell us what we then had to "cook" with those three kitchen items.  I was given a standard plate  and a standard bowl but for my utensil, I got a potato masher ... My friend choose the number four which was to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

To begin, I gathered the ingredients and then contemplated how I would get the peanut butter out of the jar with my potato masher.  Using the "masher" part wouldn't work so I had to turn it around and use the handle.  Although this wasn't the most efficient way to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, it did work.  There was also one pro of using the potato masher as opposed to a knife, it stands up on its end and doesn't get peanut butter all over your table or plate.
So like the TPACK model, just because you know how to use a certain tool, doesn't mean it is appropriate for all tasks.  I can use a potato masher but it doesn't really work to make a PB&J sandwich.  So just because you know how to use a certain technology and you can make it work for most tasks, doesn't mean it is the most effective and efficient tool for all tasks.
 Here is a link showing my TPACK cooking skills in action.


  1. So how did it taste? I think you may have stumbled upon a much needed new invention; the standing butter knife! No more pesky knives making dirty surfaces.
    The re-purposing of tools can be inefficient as you pointed out, but it can also lead to new ideas. I think I might give up the teaching thing and start selling some standing butter knives!

  2. Erin: I enjoyed watching your cooking with TPACK video! It would impossible, given his current state, to cook with Tupac. Though I am sure it would have been fun in the day. Your bowl is beautiful and far from standard! The potato masher looked initially to be a challenge but worked quite well. I like that it stands up and keeps the PB&J from getting everywhere.
